Welcome to Kishad

Helping you stay connected with religious friends.
And where you can discuss religious topics freely.

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Choose Kishad! How It Works?

Kishad is a 100% free social media platform that allows you to stay connected with your religious fellows. Here, you can post photos, and updates you can share with your fellow network!

Create a FREE Account

To get started, create an account by registering first and then completing your profile. You may provide any information that best describes or represents you.

Add Fellows and Follow and/or create House of Worship

Kishad allows you to add fellows or follow any Hosue of worship. So don't miss out on what your peers are up to! You can also create House of Worship.

Start Discussion

Discuss various religion topics, updates, and announcements.

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Join us today! Why Choose Kishad?

We want to help everyone stay connected. Kishad is a user-friendly social media platform that invites discussions, and authentic connections between person to person. Whether you want to share something to the world, or simply want to get updates, you can easily access everything here.

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